Cresci perto de uma vacaria.
As medidas do leite faziam-me sonhar. Fazem parte das coisas bonitas da minha infância.
I grew up near a vacancy.
Milk measurements was my dream. They are part of the beautiful things of my childhood.
Estas encontrei-as numa feira de velharias.
These you would find at a junk shop.
Para grande surpresa minha tinham gravadas as cinco quinas da nossa bandeira.
Much to my surprise they had engraved the five quinas of our flag.
As medidas do leite faziam-me sonhar. Fazem parte das coisas bonitas da minha infância.
I grew up near a vacancy.
Milk measurements was my dream. They are part of the beautiful things of my childhood.
Estas encontrei-as numa feira de velharias.
These you would find at a junk shop.
Para grande surpresa minha tinham gravadas as cinco quinas da nossa bandeira.
Much to my surprise they had engraved the five quinas of our flag.
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