domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2018


Hoje 4-2- 2018 continuo a partilhar memórias, da pequena e umilde casa, na família desde 1950.
No restauro da nossa casa, aproveitei para recuperar muitas coisas velhas que eram da minha mãe e outras da minha avó. Com a nova vida, voltaram a ter brilho e a serem úteis.
Today 4-2-2018 I continuo to share memories of the umbil and small house has been the family since 1950. In the restoration of our house I took advantage to recover some very old things that were of my mother and others of my grandmather. With the new life they were again brigth and useful.

                                             Muitas crianças já passaram por esta caminha.
                                              Many children have passad througt this bed.

                                                            Era a porta do quintal
                                                                   The old door

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